5.1. You shall accept and honour any valid Card properly tendered by a Cardholder.
5.2. You are not permitted to accept or demand Recurring Transactions from Cardholders without our permission.
5.3. When accepting Transactions, you are required to make a record of the following information:
5.3.1. a brief description of the good or services sold, returned or cancelled;
5.3.2. the price of the goods or services including applicable taxes and adjustment amounts;
5.3.3. your name in a manner recognisable to Customers and your address;
5.3.4. a contact telephone number;
5.3.5. any applicable terms and conditions;
5.3.6. the exact date any free trials end;
5.3.7. any other information which the applicable Card Scheme may require.
5.4. You are required to store the above information in its original form for at least 18 months or longer if required by applicable Card Scheme Rules.
5.5. We will forward you any Retrieval Request that we cannot satisfy with the information we have on file concerning any Settled Transaction. In response, you must provide us in writing by certified or overnight mail or by confirmed fax (or by other means as agreed to by us) the outcome of your investigation of such Retrieval Request and include legible copies of any documentation required by the Retrieval Request within 3 business days after we send it to you (or such shorter time as the Card Scheme Rules may require). You acknowledge that your failure to fulfil a Retrieval Request in accordance with Card Scheme Rules may result in an irreversible Chargeback.
5.6. At the time of accepting Transactions you are required to disclose to the Customer
5.6.1. your name and address including electronic contact details and a customer telephone number;
5.6.2. the terms and conditions governing the purchase including any cancellation rights;
5.6.3. your delivery policy;
5.6.4. your sales return and refund policy;
5.6.5. your privacy or data protection policy; and
5.6.6. if applicable, the details of any regulatory authority responsible for supervising your business activities.
5.7. If you do not have a delivery or sales return and refund policy, you must prominently inform the Cardholder of this fact prior to completing the purchase.
5.8. You must notify us of any material change to any of the above information if such change can be reasonably expected to have an adverse effect on your Chargeback rates
5.9. You shall not impose any surcharge or finance charge on the Transaction or otherwise require a Cardholder to pay the fees payable by you under this Agreement if prohibited by applicable Card Scheme Rules. You shall not set a minimum purchase amount above or below which you refuse to honour Cards unless permitted by applicable Card Scheme Rules.
5.10. You acknowledge and agree that disputes between you and Cardholders shall be resolved between you and the Cardholder directly and that we shall not be obliged to become a party to any such dispute.
5.11. You may not seek to accept payments through the use of our services for any of the following:
5.11.1. Gambling services (including but not limited to online casinos, sports betting, spread betting, reverse auctions and lotteries);
5.11.2. Get rich quick schemes, Ponzi schemes, snow ball schemes, investment clubs or similar activities;
5.11.3. Adult content or sexually explicit material, escort services or modelling agencies;
5.11.4. Payment services, virtual wallets, cash services, foreign exchange services, prepaid cards, virtual currencies;
5.11.5. Mass email services, SMS services or customer marketing lists;
5.11.6. Astrological services, paranormal services, counselling, psychological services, on-line health assessment, star naming services;
5.11.7. Prescription drugs, prohibited substances or their components; drug paraphernalia;
5.11.8. Fake or counterfeit goods, novelty IDs;
5.11.9. Dangerous or restricted goods (including but not limited to explosives, radioactive materials, toxic substances, batteries, fireworks
5.11.10. Weapons, knives and ammunition;
5.11.11. Protected works of art, history and culture;
5.11.12. Restricted electronics (such as cable TV decoders, radars and surveillance equipment);
5.11.13. any other goods or services whose sale, provision, delivery, offering or marketing is prohibited or restricted in the jurisdiction of the Merchant or in any jurisdiction where any of its customers is located.
5.12. The list of prohibited goods or services in clause 5.11 may be changed or extended by us at any time by notice to you. If you provide goods or services, that fall within the subsequent extension of the list in clause 5.11, you shall immediately terminate the provision of such goods or services. In the event, you will not proceed to such termination; we retain the right to terminate the effect of this Agreement. If you are in any doubt whether your goods or services fall under any of the categories listed, you must first consult with us before offering such goods or services.